Bar Code PSAs

Kristina Cancelmi's Illustrations Share the Sad Stats of Human Trafficking

Kristina Cancelmi has designed incredible illustrations that really bring the issue of human trafficking to light. Using the imagery of bar codes with weeping kids and women embedded, the message is powerful and hard-hitting.

Created for The Polaris Project, Kristina Cancelmi's work displays the sad truths about the world. The illustrations include the estimated number of people, mainly women and children, trafficked into America, how many American children are at risk of being sold into the sex industry and how many women and children are trafficked worldwide.

Kristina Cancelmi's art is not only stunning visually, but also in its purpose to help spread the message against human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Her work stands up for those that are treated as property rather than people.
Trend Themes
1. Human Trafficking Awareness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new technologies or platforms to raise awareness about human trafficking and combat this global issue.
2. Impactful Visual Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore innovative ways to visually communicate important social issues and engage audiences on an emotional level.
3. Advocacy Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Encourage the integration of artistic expression and social justice causes to amplify advocacy efforts and drive change.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit Organizations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Leverage technology and digital platforms to enhance outreach, fundraising, and intervention strategies in the fight against human trafficking.
2. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the intersection of art and social justice to drive awareness, spark conversations, and inspire action.
3. Technology and Digital Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced data analytics and AI-powered tools to track, identify, and combat human trafficking networks more effectively.

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