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Friendship Therapy Spoofs

Fans Known as Bronies Will Find Comediva’s Take On Them Laughable

The new direction that ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’ television show took has caused an unprecedented growth in its male fan base, which came to be known as "brownies."

This satirical clip by Comediva plays around with the idea of what a brony’s personality would be, if they took the idea of "Friendship is Magic" too literally. The exaggerated characteristics of the clip’s brony encapsulates an essence of what a brony is, which is a man living out the My Little Pony ideals of friendship.

The clip showcases a man with extreme brony complexities would go through, just to live up to his MLP (My Little Pony) lifestyle. The overly amped-up brony sees the world as how a pony of Equestria would see it, which is that friendship is magical, but the people of Comediva have more realistic take on the matter.

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