Pun-Focused Superstore Ads

The Kmart 'Big Gas Savings' Commercial is Comically Funny

Superstore brand Kmart is killing it this year with their seriously hilarious Kmart ads. A follow up to Kmart's the notoriously popular viral ad 'Ship My Pants,' the 'Big Gas' ad commercial is equally as punny.

This Kmart ad promotes drastically dropped gas prices at the pump. While several customers are filling up their vehicles on cheap gas, a man comments to his wife that the gas station has really "big gas problems." Then the wife jokingly spends some time checking out the "big gas man" and his "big gas truck." With the repetition of the word gas it's hard to miss the pun on gas rhyming with a cheeky body part, which kicks up the Kmart ad commercial to hysterically funny heights. Kmart does a great job in using humor to make the consumer laugh.
Trend Themes
1. Pun-based Advertising - Opportunity for companies to create witty, engaging ads which are memorable and shareable.
2. Humorous Marketing - Opportunity for brands to use humor to build brand recognition, affinity and engagement.
3. Viral Promotions - Opportunity for brands to motivate customer word-of-mouth promotion by creating shareable and entertaining content.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers can leverage puns and humor in advertising to build customer loyalty and engagement.
2. Marketing and Advertising - As pun-based ads become increasingly popular, marketing and advertising agencies have an opportunity to engage clients with innovative, humorous campaigns.
3. Oil and Gas - Opportunity for oil and gas companies to use humor in advertising to promote lower gas prices and build customer engagement.

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