Intricately Tiered Bridal Dresses

Kelsey Genna's Bridal Collection Layers Each Piece

Kelsey Genna's bridal collection is dainty in just about every regard. Flirty peplum additions around the waist make the dresses appear almost majestic and certainly up to date on current design trends. And while these features are more contemporary, classic tiered styles dominate the bulk of the line.

Genna's clothing is entirely handmade, a quality that most brides to be seek out for their wedding days. They are also sold in a limited edition set, assuring buyers of their ultimate exclusivity.

Those who are interested in the bridal collection will have to make a trip to New Zealand however as the pieces are each made to custom fit buyers, well worth the trip for those who appreciate exclusive bespoke tailoring.
Trend Themes
1. Intricate Tiered Dresses - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore advanced manufacturing techniques to create intricate tiered dresses with intricate designs at a lower cost.
2. Handmade Bridal Wear - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop scalable methods to produce handmade bridal wear that maintains the craftsmanship and exclusivity of customization.
3. Limited Edition Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement technology-driven solutions to efficiently create limited edition fashion collections for an enhanced sense of exclusivity.
Industry Implications
1. Bridal Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate technology and automation in the bridal fashion industry to streamline production processes and increase design possibilities.
2. Bespoke Tailoring - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize digital solutions like 3D body scanning and virtual fitting to revolutionize the bespoke tailoring industry, offering customized wedding attire with greater precision and convenience.
3. New Zealand Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Leverage e-commerce platforms and global logistics to expand the reach of New Zealand fashion brands, making their exclusive designs accessible worldwide.

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