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Star in Your Own Horror Movie with Kaltura

We love to take brands and mash them up (think Coke and Mentos). But what if this became personal? What if you could mash up, edit and republish another person's stuff? Well now you can ... with Kaltura. Not only can you bring in video, audio and images, but you can also allow others (even people you don't know) to edit and contribute to "your" project. It is like open source for content -- Dr Frankenstein style.
But will this create a new genre, or a new monster? You be the judge ... and if you don't like it, change it!
Trend Themes
1. User-generated Content - Opportunity for businesses to leverage user-generated content in innovative ways, allowing users to contribute and collaborate on projects.
2. Content Remixing - Potential for businesses to explore content remixing as a way to engage users and create unique brand experiences.
3. Open Collaboration - The rise of open collaboration platforms offers businesses the chance to tap into collective intelligence and harness the creativity of a wider community.
Industry Implications
1. Media and Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity for the media and entertainment industry to embrace open-source content creation and collaboration, empowering users to participate in content development.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Innovative marketing strategies can emerge from the concept of user-generated content remixing, allowing brands to collaborate with their audience in creating compelling campaigns.
3. Technology and Software - Open collaboration platforms like Kaltura present a disruptive innovation opportunity for technology and software companies to develop new tools and platforms that enable seamless content remixing and collaboration.

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