Charitable Feline Film Festivals

'Just for Cats' is Bringing The Best Cat Videos to The Big Screen

You no longer have to peruse through the Internet to find your favorite cat videos; the "Just for Cats" Film Festival is compiling the best ones for showing in theaters across North America.

The film reel was created by the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis to raise money for cat health and shelter programs. The festival is now about to start it's Canadian leg of the tour and will be hosted by the Prime Minister's wife Laureen Harper, who is an avid animal activist.

You'll get to watch the most popular cat YouTube videos, like Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub and Henri, le Chat Noir. You may even get to meet them in person, as some of the festivals have featured red carpets with meet-and-greets. The tickets are only $12; proceeds will go to the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
Trend Themes
1. Live Animal Fundraising Events - Developing live festival events for animals to raise awareness and funds for animal rights.
2. Branded Film Festivals - Creating film festivals and similar types of events focused on branded content - like cats - to promote and sell products discreetly.
3. Social Media Content Curation - Building a social media platform that curates user-generated content (UGC), such as cat videos, and creating unique events, merchandise, and social impact campaigns around it.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can monetize cat videos and similar niche content promoting pet-friendly products, harnessing various media formats, and live events.
2. Nonprofits/charities - Nonprofits such as charity organizations advocating for animal rights can build new funding opportunities with content-based events and campaigns, educating the public on animal welfare matters.
3. Marketing/advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can develop live events and social campaigns featuring branded content such as animal videos, to connect with audiences who are passionate about pet products and animal welfare.

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