Playfully Seductive Photography

Jerome Jakubiec Captures Great Shots as He Dreams of Being a Music

Playful, sexy, intimate, eccentric and candid, Jerome Jakubiec's photography offers just about anything anyone could ever want to browse. A versatile photographer, he manages to shoot in a variety of ways without compromising his signature style, which seems to be 'of the moment' photos that are full of truth and life.

Hailing from France, Jerome Jakubiec is now based in New York City, specifically the Brooklyn borough. Jerome Jakubiec has shot editorials for Oyster, Cat Spy, Lucire, NeueMode, Bleu, Soma, A4, Aload, Montreal Magazine and Gigantic as well as done commercial work for Beach Body, Corrine McCormack, Blouise, Bumble & Bumble and LYS New York.

Yet what I find most fascinating about Jerome Jakubiec is that he "secretly dreams of making a living as a musician and of moving to the island of Vieques," according to his site.
Trend Themes
1. Playful Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new applications and technologies that enhance the playfulness and creativity in photography.
2. Intimate Portraits - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative techniques and tools that capture intimate moments and emotions in photography.
3. Candid Moment Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design new solutions and technologies that enable capturing honest and raw moments in photography.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate playful and intimate photography techniques into fashion campaigns and editorials.
2. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore candid moment photography to create authentic and relatable advertisements.
3. Fine Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate playful and intimate photography styles into fine art exhibitions and installations.

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