Fun-Loving Youthtography

Jeremy Goldberg 'Is Made of Snakes, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails'

According to his website, Jeremy Goldberg "is made of snakes, snails and puppy dog tails." Perhaps he's referring more to his photography than his person, as it goes on to say, "Which is strange, because he only eats dark chocolate (70%) and overpriced impulse buys from Whole Foods."

Jeremy Goldberg's work is definitely a stereotypical guys would love to have under his belt. From shooting beautiful models to celebrities to music icons, he has put together quite the portfolio.

Above is Jeremy Goldberg's 'Shoe Box' series. Be sure to check out his 'CelebScope' and 'Eight Track' ones on his site as well.
Trend Themes
1. Youthtography Explosion - There is an opportunity for companies to tap into the growing trend of youthtography and offer products and services that cater to the unique needs and desires of this demographic.
2. Creative Niche Photography - As photography continues to evolve, there is an opportunity for photographers to establish themselves in a creative niche, like Jeremy Goldberg has done with his 'Shoe Box' series.
3. Inclusivity in Photography - Companies and individuals in the photography industry can push for more inclusivity in their work, catering to a wider range of individuals and cultures.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - As Jeremy Goldberg's portfolio demonstrates, there is a demand for fashion photography that captures the latest trends and styles.
2. Celebrity Photography - The world continues to be fascinated by celebrity culture, providing opportunities for photographers to capture these subjects.
3. Artistic Photography - With the growing focus on artistic expression, there is an opportunity for photographers to push boundaries and create truly unique and captivating pieces of art.

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