8-Bit Action Videos

Redbull's Jason Paul Arcade Run Plays Super Mario in Real Life

Part video game and part freerunning action, it's no surprise that the Redbull 'Jason Paul Arcade Run' video has already become a viral success. The video is set up like a retro side-scrolling Super Mario game, but rather than having digitally generated graphics, all of the props that Paul runs and jumps onto are real.

Just like an agile video game character, Paul leaps over obstacles and engages in an epic boss battle. Near the end of the video when the camera changes perspective, you can see how the stunt was set up. The video is entertaining to watch and definitely encompasses that high energy and fun that Redbull loves to capture. In addition to this video, Redbull also details how it all came together with an intriguing making-of video.
Trend Themes
1. Freerunning Integration - Opportunity for companies to incorporate freerunning elements into marketing campaigns or branded videos to capture attention and engagement.
2. Real-life Gaming Experiences - Potential for businesses to create immersive, interactive experiences that blend video game aesthetics and physical elements for a unique entertainment offering.
3. Viral Video Marketing - Companies can explore the use of creative, shareable videos like Redbull's 'Jason Paul Arcade Run' to generate brand awareness and reach a wide audience.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Apparel - Sports apparel brands can collaborate with freerunners or parkour athletes to create promotional content that showcases their products in action.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can develop live performances or themed experiences that bring video games to life, attracting gamers and enthusiasts.
3. Digital Marketing - Digital marketing agencies can focus on producing innovative and captivating video content for their clients to leverage the power of viral marketing.

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