Prejudiced Commentary Comics

The Manfeels Park Jane Austen Comic Uses Real Comments Men Make

Manfeels Park (a brilliant play on Mansfield Park) inserts real comments men made on the internet into Jane Austen comic scenes. The web comic is a commentary on gender equality and the things some men have said in the name of male rights by putting them back into the 19th century. The Jane Austen comic also uses real responses from women online, which are oddly fitting but not at all surprising coming from Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

Manfeels Park was created by Erin and Mo who were inspired by a discussion they had about a 'man-feels' comment thread they saw online. While Erin curates the online comments, Mo draws the comics using stills from BBC's amazing adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. The web comic is updated on a weekly basis and can also be followed on Tumblr.
Trend Themes
1. Gender Equality Commentary - Incorporate real social comments into entertainment to highlight social challenges and promote change.
2. Historical Context Parodies - Portray current societal views in different historical periods to shed light on how far society has progressed or not.
3. Social Commentary Through Satire - Use humor and irony in popular media to expose and critique social issues without being overtly confrontational.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Develop socially conscious entertainment media that merges current societal challenges with popular culture.
2. Social Media - Create social media platforms that encourage conversation and constructive discourses about complex social challenges.
3. Education - Integrate modern-day societal complexities into the education system to promote awareness and cultivate informed discourse.

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