Vibrant Painted Advertisements

James Rieck Paints Figures from Advertisements

James Rieck's choice in subject is a curious one: rather than painting real, live, flesh-and-blood models, he plucks figures from advertisements and recreates them on a large, colorful canvases.

Why paint advertisements? Rieck is interested in exploring the unconscious, borderline subliminal messages that advertisers bury into their work. It allows Rieck to bring his own style and interpretation to something that is much bigger than himself.

The focus of each painting is not so much the face, but the body. Rieck can be attracted and inspired by a single posture or gesture. He explains, "It’s there that I see the history of figure and portrait painting. There’s a similar language to presenting one’s best, with undertones of hiding."
Trend Themes
1. Vibrant Painted Advertisements - Opportunity for artists to explore the unconscious messages in advertising through vibrant paintings.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunity for advertisers to better understand the impact of their subliminal messages through the art of James Rieck.
2. Art - Opportunity for artists to create unique interpretations of advertisements through vibrant painted canvases.
3. Marketing - Opportunity for marketers to explore the historical context and emotional impact of figures and gestures in advertisements through Rieck's artwork.

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