Viral Shock Arousal

Andy Samberg's J*zz In My Pants

This is a very random video called "J1zz In My Pants" that is spreading the internet like wildfire. It has had 2 million views in as many days, so is going to be huge. The video above shows the strange music video with ridiculous lyrics about men getting aroused too easily. The clip involves the glorious Andy Samberg but clearly had a less than small budget behind it, yet Justin Timberlake makes a brilliant cameo.

Not many details have been revealed yet, but I can tell you the song is the first single off Incredibad, the upcoming CD from Andy Samberg’s comedy posse, the Lonely Island.
Trend Themes
1. Viral Videos - Exploit the power of viral videos to quickly spread brand awareness and reach a large audience.
2. User-generated Content - Encourage users to create and share their own content, leveraging the creativity and enthusiasm of your audience.
3. Celebrity Cameos - Collaborate with celebrities to create buzz and generate excitement around your brand or product.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Use viral videos to promote movies, music, and other forms of entertainment.
2. Social Media - Create platforms and tools that make it easy for users to create and share their own content.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Incorporate celebrity endorsements and collaborations into advertising campaigns to attract attention and increase brand visibility.

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