Red-Hued Raindrop Captures

'Itsaso' by TOMAAS Conveys Movement and Grace

'Itsaso' by TOMAAS reveals the elegance and gracefullness of water, movement and models. The New York City-based fashion and beauty photographer captures motion-filled, water-drop-bespectacled beauty within each shot in this dark red, almost crimson-hued series.

From streaks of hair whipping across the frame, to the black background and dispondant expressions worn by the model, there is an elusive, wandering beauty cyrstallized in these photographs.

TOMAAS has fixed his lens exclusively on the model's head, as obscured by drops of water streaking. In this way, the viewer is left alternating their focus between the water droplets and the model. This shifting focus further enhances the sense of motion in the series. To convey such movement with what is inherently a still artform is telling of the photographer's talents.
Trend Themes
1. Motion-filled Beauty Photography - There is a disruptive innovation opportunity to explore techniques and technologies that capture movement and motion in beauty photography.
2. Water-inspired Aesthetics - By incorporating water droplets and streaks in visuals, there is an opportunity to disrupt traditional fashion and beauty photography with a unique and ethereal aesthetic.
3. Obscured Portraiture - Exploring obscured and hidden facial features through the use of water droplets presents innovative possibilities for capturing the essence of a subject.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Fashion photographers can explore the use of motion and water-inspired aesthetics to create visually captivating and unique images.
2. Beauty Photography - In beauty photography, incorporating water droplets and obscured portraiture can create dreamy and captivating visuals that disrupt traditional beauty standards.
3. Art Photography - Art photographers can push the boundaries of still photography by using techniques like water droplets to convey movement and evoke emotion in their work.

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