Pop Song Pick-Up Lines

The Amanda Maston ‘Call Me Maybe’ Stint is Revealing

The Amanda Maston ‘Call Me Maybe’ video is a great look at what happens when a girl tries to use this now-popular pickup line.

Just like YouTube star Rob Delaney, who attempts to get girls’ numbers using the popular lines from the song, aspiring actress and comedian Amanda Maston has created a video similar to Delaney. Maston approaches men on the streets of Hollywood, Los Angeles, using Jepsen’s song lyrics "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, call me maybe?"

Unlike Delaney’s success, the Amanda Maston ‘Call Me Maybe’ video shows she has a harder time getting numbers from men. Perhaps it is a gender thing, or maybe it’s her delivery. Either way it shows this pickup line works better for males over females.
Trend Themes
1. Pop Song Pickup Lines - The use of popular song lyrics as a pickup line is a trend that highlights the power of music to connect people in social settings.
2. Gender Differences in Pickup Lines - Exploration of the different success rates for pickup lines of men versus women presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the dating industry.
3. Comedic Pickup Line Videos - The creation of humorous videos that depict the use of pickup lines can inspire new multimedia content and marketing strategies in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - The power of music demonstrated in pop song pickup lines could be utilized by the music industry to promote its artists and songs.
2. Dating Industry - The exploration of gender differences in pickup line success rates presents an opportunity for the dating industry to improve its matchmaking algorithms and personalize its services.
3. Marketing Industry - The creation and promotion of comedic pickup line videos can inspire new marketing strategies and multimedia content in various industries, including advertising and entertainment.

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