Browser-Shunning Sites

The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown Hopes to Rid World of the Old Browser

The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown is a website by Microsoft that counts down the days until Internet Explorer 6 is no longer used by anyone in the world. It seems odd that a business would be shunning its own product, but in the process Microsoft is telling consumers that they need to upgrade to Microsoft's newest browser.

The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown website reports that 12 percent of the world is still using Internet Explorer 6. It doesn't seem like very much but China and Korea have the highest percents with 34.5 and 24.8 percent, respectively. The website features a map of the world that shows the current percentages and updates. Microsoft's goal is to drop the use of Internet Explorer 6 to less than 1 percent as soon as possible.
Trend Themes
1. Browser Upgrade Push - Companies are aggressively pushing users to upgrade their web browsers to improve efficiency and security.
2. Legacy Software Retirement - Old software that no longer meets standards is being phased out by businesses.
3. Global Web Standards Compliance - Companies are working to ensure global adoption of a consistent set of web standards.
Industry Implications
1. Software Development - Software developers can create upgrade tools to make the transition to new web browsers seamless.
2. Cybersecurity - Businesses focused on cybersecurity can encourage users to upgrade their web browsers to improve their defenses against attacks.
3. Digital Marketing - With more users upgrading to newer web browsers, digital marketers can properly allocate resources to reach a wider audience through web-based campaigns.

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