Metaphorical Matrimony Invites

Trend Hunter's Armida Talks About Interactive Wedding Invitations

It's June, which means wedding season is well and truly upon us and you might be reflecting on some of the clever interactive wedding invitations you've received now that nuptials are finally happening. Trend Hunter Research Expert and Senior Editor Armida Ascano discusses some of her favorites, including wearable wedding invitations, 3D paper houses and matrimonial matchboxes.

Many of these interactive wedding invitations are symbolic, like a pop up paper house that stands for the home a couple will soon build together. The hilariously named Blinkers of Love, however, are a metaphor the the end of wandering eyes.

Or if you are a Star Wars fan having a May the 4th wedding,
the Galactic Puzzle Wedding invitation is definitely worth checking out for inspiration. On the other hand, you can never go wrong with a cute pun, such as the perfect match personalized matchbox invitations.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Wedding Invitations - The popularity of interactive wedding invitations presents opportunities for innovative designs and personalized experiences.
2. Symbolic Invitations - Creating wedding invitations with symbolic elements allows couples to express their unique story and values.
3. Themed Wedding Invitations - Themed wedding invitations, such as those inspired by movies or pop culture, offer a creative and memorable way to invite guests.
Industry Implications
1. Event Planning - Event planners can capitalize on the trend of interactive wedding invitations by offering innovative design services.
2. Stationery and Printing - The stationery and printing industry can explore new techniques and materials to create symbolic and themed wedding invitations.
3. Creative Design - Creative design professionals can leverage their skills to create unique and personalized wedding invitations that reflect the couple's style and interests.

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