Inquisition Inspired Fashion

Mads Lehn Kruse Brings Back Dark Ages

Mads Lehn Kruse, a graduating Student at The Danish Design School Kolding, made an amazing fashion collection of womenswear inspired by inquisition methods of the Dark Ages.

These are stunning pictures, although it doesn’t look very comfortable to wear metal cages with bolts and screws pointing at your temples.

I think it’s great to look at the works of young designers before they make it into the big labels or start their own fashion companies. This young man is definitely one to look out for. I love the big mouth and eye accessories.
Trend Themes
1. Dark Ages Fashion - The trend of incorporating elements from inquisition methods into fashion creates a unique and edgy style opportunity.
2. Experimental Womenswear - The trend of pushing the boundaries of traditional womenswear with unconventional materials and designs opens up opportunities for avant-garde fashion brands.
3. Accessories as Statement Pieces - The trend of using bold and attention-grabbing accessories, such as big mouth and eye accessories, allows for innovative and expressive fashion statements.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - The fashion design industry can explore the disruptive innovation of merging historical elements with contemporary fashion to create bold, new aesthetics.
2. Avant-garde Fashion Brands - Avant-garde fashion brands have the opportunity to embrace experimental womenswear as a way to differentiate themselves and appeal to niche markets.
3. Accessories Design - The accessories design industry can capitalize on the trend of using statement accessories to create unique and eye-catching products that complement modern fashion styles.

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