Tragically Glamorous Photography

The 'In Thoughts of You' Series is Filled with Subtle Sadness

There is an air of sadness and loneliness that surrounds the 'In Thoughts of You' photo series. Although stunningly glamorous and elegant, the model looks as though she is waiting anxiously for what she believes could be bad news. The vintage styling makes me think of an era filled with war and a wife sitting at home while her husband is in the trenches.

London-based photographer Joanna Kustra, who was assisted by Andrzej Lepka, captures these poignant emotions beautifully. The 'In Thoughts of You' photo series may surround tragic events, but there is nothing tragic about the looks showcased throughout. Styled by Csilla Elekes, the outfits are subtly sensual yet entirely refined. 'In Thoughts of You' was shot for VIGORE MAGAZINE.
Trend Themes
1. Tragic Glamour - The trend of combining tragedy and elegance in photography creates a unique and emotionally evocative aesthetic.
2. Vintage Styling - The trend of incorporating vintage elements in photography allows for storytelling and nostalgic appeal.
3. Subtle Sensuality - The trend of showcasing sensuality in a refined and understated manner adds allure and intrigue to fashion photography.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - The fashion photography industry can capitalize on the tragic glamour trend by creating compelling narratives that resonate with viewers.
2. Publishing - The publishing industry, particularly magazines, can embrace the vintage styling trend to create visually captivating and nostalgic editorials.
3. Art and Design - The art and design industries can explore the trend of subtle sensuality to create visually appealing and thought-provoking works that challenge traditional notions of beauty.

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