Online Resume-Improving Graphics

Improve Your LinkedIn Profile with This Infographic's 17 Tips

This '17 LinkedIn Profile Must-Haves' infographic outlines a handful of ways to improve your LinkedIn profile. The comprehensive graphic comes from Maximize Social Business, which helps businesses to create, implement and optimize a comprehensive social media strategy.

No matter how much or little job experience you have, it pays to have some basics on LinkedIn. This ranges from simply using keywords so that your resume can be spotted first and using a professional profile picture — this alone helps to make your profile get seven times the views than those without a picture.

As the infographic estimates, only about 50% of user profiles on the networking site have been totally filled out, with 42% of people regularly updating their job information. As one of the most valuable places on the web to job-hunt and find new employees, there is certainly at least one of these tips that everybody could improve upon.
Trend Themes
1. Improved Linkedin Profiles - Optimizing LinkedIn profiles with improved graphics and content to increase views and job opportunities.
2. Social Media Strategy - Developing comprehensive social media strategies to optimize online presence and engage with target audiences.
3. Job Hunting on Linkedin - Leveraging LinkedIn's job-hunting capabilities and user profiles to find new employment opportunities.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Management - Assisting businesses in creating and implementing effective social media strategies for improved online presence.
2. Human Resources - Providing services to assist job seekers and businesses in finding and recruiting talent through platforms like LinkedIn.
3. Graphic Design - Offering graphic design services to improve online profiles, such as LinkedIn profiles, for increased visibility and engagement.

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