Bizarre Post-Soviet Architecture

Imperial Pomp by Frank Herfort Documents Bold Russian Buildings

The photo series titled Imperial Pomp by Frank Herfort, a German photographer based in Berlin, Germany, and Moscow, Russia, documents some of the most bizarre buildings created during the post-Soviet era. According to Visual News, "After the Soviet Union fell, many cities previously under communist rule began to build grandiose, colorful structures--many with the intention to impress and symbolize a new day."

Imperial Pomp by Frank Herfort is the result of the photographer's unique mission. Traveling from Moscow to remote cities along the Russian/Chinese border on the eastern side and everywhere in between, the architecture is worthy of being displayed in art galleries. Herfort writes, "You feel that each building wants to scream out, that ‘I’m the best, the biggest, the richest.’ It is now more a question of prestige, which didn’t play any role in the Soviet times."
Trend Themes
1. Post-soviet Grandiose Architecture - An opportunity for architects to push boundaries and create bold, statement-making structures while paying homage to the post-Soviet era.
2. Reviving Soviet-era Design - A new take on Soviet-era design, mixing old elements with modern design to create truly unique structures.
3. Symbolic Architecture - An opportunity to create buildings that not only serve a function, but also symbolize hope and renewal for a brighter future.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can explore new design challenges that could help redefine the world's urban landscape.
2. Tourism - Stunning and unique architecture could be a driving force behind post-COVID-19 travel and tourism rejuvenation.
3. Interior Design - Designers can experiment with new styles that marry the post-Soviet era's colorful aesthetics with modern-day minimalism.

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