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Discarded Weapon Orchestras

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'Imagine' is a Set of 50 Functional Instruments Made From Old Guns

In order to raise awareness about the crime rates in his home country, Mexican artist Pedro Reyes has created 'Imagine' -- a set of 50 fully functioning musical instruments that were fashioned out of destroyed guns.

Years ago, Reyes invited citizens of culiacán -- a city in Western Mexico known for its high rates of gun-related violence -- to voluntarily donate illegal weapons. Anyone who donated received rewards in the form of coupons that were redeemable at local stores for domestic appliances and electronics. In the end, over 1,500 firearms were collected, which were then melted down and used to make shovels and other useful tools for workers

Having heard of his charitable work, the Mexican government informed Reyes about a public destruction of weapons that would be taking place. They asked him if he wanted to keep any of the scrap from the weapons which would otherwise be buried. He agreed and used the discarded metal from the confiscated guns to help make his Imagine orchestra.
Photo Credits: laughingsquid, designboom

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