Free Trend Hunter PRO

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Identify Meaningful Patterns & Learn How to Innovate with This Business Tool

Trend Hunter PRO will unlock your creative side and help you identify meaningful patterns -- moreover, you can try it out for free!

Identified using over 7 million views of data, PRO trends -- now enhanced with demographics -- are clusters of opportunity, which you can look for in your own industry or even unrelated industries in order to get you thinking outside of the box and outside of your comfort zone. 'Embracing Kitsch,' 'Hip-Hopvertising,' 'E.T. Architecture,' 'Social Media Scorn' and 'Atypical Training' are just a few examples of Trend Hunter's invigorating PRO trends.

Make use of your free trial of Trend Hunter PRO and identify meaningful patterns that will kickstart your path to supercharging innovation.
Trend Themes
1. Embracing Kitsch - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore how industries can incorporate kitsch elements into their products or marketing strategies to appeal to nostalgic consumers.
2. Hip-hopvertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Discover how industries can leverage hip-hop culture and music to create innovative advertising campaigns that resonate with younger audiences.
3. E.T. Architecture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the potential for industries to incorporate extraterrestrial-inspired architecture and design elements to create unique and futuristic spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Retailers can embrace kitsch and incorporate nostalgic elements into their store designs and visual merchandising to attract customers seeking a unique and memorable shopping experience.
2. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Advertising agencies can leverage hip-hop culture and music to create innovative and engaging ad campaigns that resonate with younger and diverse audiences, driving brand awareness and sales.
3. Architecture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Architects and designers can explore the realm of E.T. architecture to create futuristic and otherworldly structures that push the boundaries of traditional design and inspire awe and curiosity.

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