Effervescent Cold Coffees

This Refreshing and Complex Iced Espresso is Mixed with Tonic Water

Now that Spring has sprung, ice coffee season is well and truly upon us -- and this iced espresso is the perfect way to ring it in. The Espresso tonic is a bubbly cold coffee that adds a little fizz to your caffeine.

To make your own at home, pour a long shot of espresso over tonic water on ice. The resulting beverage is both sweet, citrusy and creamy. The effervescent iced espresso also has a Guinness-like head.

The espresso tonic (otherwise known as caffe tonics or black tonics) can be found on the menus in cities across the world, but this one in particular can be found at the San Francisco-based Saint Frank Coffee shop.
Trend Themes
1. Effervescent Cold Coffees - Creating unique and refreshing iced espresso beverages with added fizz and complexity.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Innovative cold coffee creations can attract customers seeking new and exciting flavors.
2. Hospitality Industry - Coffee shops and cafes can incorporate effervescent cold coffees into their menus to offer a unique experience for customers.
3. Home Brewing Industry - Providing consumers with the tools and ingredients to easily make their own effervescent cold coffees at home.

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