Chilly Buddah Cubes

This Laughing Buddah Ice Cube Mold Adds Some Zen to Your Drinks

Ensure that your beverages are full of zen thanks to this Laughing Buddah ice cube mold by retailer Think Geek. This ice cube tray turns water into little smiling Buddah sculptures.

The Buddah is known for his ability to remain calm, cool and collective and channeling positive vibes through any situation. If you've always wanted to be as zen as the infamous Buddah now you can add a bit of his positive spirituality to your drinks thanks to this silicone ice cube tray with four molds shaped just like a tiny sitting Buddah sculpture. These ice cubes are much larger than your average square so you'll only need to use one in each drink. These Buddah ice cubes would look great in a rocks glass sitting and smiling on the bottom of the cup.
Trend Themes
1. Spirituality-inspired Ice Cubes - Opportunity for retailers to create molds inspired by other spiritual figures or symbols for unique drink accessories.
2. Larger Ice Cube Molds - Ice mold manufacturers can create larger and more intricate molds to create unique and eye-catching ice sculptures.
3. Personalized Drink Accessories - Opportunity for retailers to personalize ice mold designs for branding and marketing purposes.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchenware - Manufacturers of kitchenware can further innovate and add to their product lines with unique and creative ice cube molds.
2. Beverage - Beverage companies can partner with ice mold manufacturers to create branded ice cube molds for use in cocktails and other drinks.
3. Gift - Retailers selling novelty and gift items can add these unique ice cube molds to their product line for consumers looking for quirky and fun drink accessories.

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