Extravagant Holiday Ice Creams

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Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams for the Holidays Focus on Wow Factor

Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams recently introduced its 2021 ice creams for the holidays and they do not disappoint. Created to enhance holiday pies, be given as giftable items and inspire moments of joy, the ice creams include fun flavors like White Chocolate Peppermint, Sugar Plum and Mexican Hot Chocolate. As Jeni's founder Jeni Britton says, "This time of year I like to say we've done the work for you. We've spent months baking, roasting, chopping and churning the most delicious ingredients we can find into memorable flavors worth sharing. They're made with my style of entertaining in mind—low-lift, high-impact."

In the ice cream range, Pistachio Macaron shares the taste of roasted pistachio cream with a savory finish and a unique and meringue-like honey texture.
Trend Themes
1. Holiday-themed Ice Creams - There is an opportunity for ice cream shops to create limited edition holiday-themed ice creams in order to entice customers and add a sense of festivity.
2. Giftable Food Items - Entrepreneurs can build a business centered around the creation of giftable food items, which is a highly lucrative market especially during the holiday season.
3. Innovative Ice Cream Flavors - There is a chance for ice cream manufacturers to innovate and experiment with unique flavor combinations in order to stand out in the competitive market.
Industry Implications
1. Ice Cream Shops - Ice cream shops can attract more customers and boost sales by creating and offering a limited edition line of holiday-themed ice creams.
2. Food Gift Business - Entrepreneurs can capitalize on the lucrative giftable food market by creating unique food items, such as holiday-themed ice creams, to offer as gifts.
3. Food Manufacturing Industry - Innovative thinking ice cream manufacturers can push boundaries and create never before seen flavor combinations that will woo customers and capture a larger share of the ice cream market.

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