Hug Shirt

Send Somone a Hug via Text Message

The hug shirt actually squeezes you with a great big hug every time someone sends you a hug via text message.

Implications - As crazy as that sounds, the product does actually work. The shirt has built-in Bluetooth sensors that feels the strength of the sender's touch, skin warmth and heartbeat. It then recreates the sensation of the touch so that whoever is wearing it can feel a fairly realistic authentic hug that they desire from their friends.

The Hug shirt operates via Bluetooth and Java enabled phones. Send the text and the phone will deliver the hug data to the Bluetooth sensors to the shirt, activating the comfort of human warmth from afar.
Trend Themes
1. Haptic Communication Clothing - The development of clothing that enhances communication through touch creates opportunities for novel apparel products and wearables.
2. Virtual Hugs - New technologies simulate physical touch opportunities, opening doors to produce and commercialize innovative devices that mimic human sensation.
3. Wearable Technology for Emotional Enhancement - Wearable technology is moving beyond addressing convenience issues, such as fitness and payments, to offering devices that cater to emotional needs.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Textile - New category of clothing that integrates electronic components, such as haptic sensors, present opportunities for the fashion and textile industry.
2. Consumer Electronics - Innovative devices that stimulate haptic communication create a feasible future for consumer electronics.
3. Health and Wellness - Wearable technology for emotional enhancement may open up possibilities for alternative therapeutic products that mimic physical sensations.

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