Branded Racial Equality Initiatives

HP Leading With Values Aims to Combat Systemic Racism

In response to the unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and far too many others, HP launched a number of initiatives to implement tangible ways the organization can create sustainable and scalable movements to support the black community. The company also held a one hour interview between HP's Chief Diversity Officer Lesley Slaton Brown, Chief Communications Officer Karen Kahn, and Aarti Shah to discuss the roles brands can tangibly combat systemic racism.

"Don’t mistake good communication for action," Karen Kahn, commented. "There is a really big difference. Writing well on behalf of our companies and executives is very different from corporate policies, procedures, and actions on behalf of our brands."
Trend Themes
1. Branded Diversity Initiatives - Companies implementing tangible ways to create sustainable and scalable movements to support marginalized communities
2. Corporate Responsibility for Social Justice - Brands taking steps to combat systemic racism and promote equal opportunities
3. Authentic Communication for Social Change - Acknowledging the difference between good communication and taking action to instill change in communities facing social injustice.
Industry Implications
1. Tech Industry - Implementing initiatives to support and promote diversity and inclusion within the industry.
2. Marketing Industry - Adopting a socially responsible approach that promotes diversity and representation in marketing campaigns.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility - Creating a culture within organizations that instills a sense of social responsibility and empowers companies to make a meaningful impact.

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