Portrait-Purchasing Tutorials

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Find Out How to Buy Art for Family and Friends

The ‘What Art Would Strike Their Fancy?’ infographic teaches people how to buy art for their friends and family this holiday season.

Using a fun and easy-to-navigate flow chart, the infographic reveals an easy way to buy art and what kind of art your loved ones may prefer via a simple color-coded system. Without giving too much away to the family or friend the art is intended for, all gift givers have to do is sit down and analyze the type of person the receiver is. Are they the first to pick up new gadgets and would they rather watch the sunset or the night stars are some of the questions the infographic asks shoppers to consider. Each color corresponds to a different personality type, so considerate gift givers can shop accordingly for their loved ones.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Gifting - Using algorithms, flow charts, and analytics to personalize gifts for loved ones.
2. Visual Decision-making Tools - Creating more user-friendly visual tools for decision-making in areas beyond art purchasing as well.
3. Data-driven Gift Giving - Leveraging data to make smarter gifting choices.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - Using personalized algorithms for gift giving could enhance the shopping experience and make it more efficient for consumers.
2. Interior Design - Non-invasive personality-based questionnaires could be used by interior designers to create personalized interior designs for clients that align with their lifestyle and personality.
3. Retail - Using data analytics to create personalized shopping experiences that recognize purchasing patterns and behaviours of specific customers for future marketing and promotional opportunities.

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