Curved Concrete Facades

The Gilmosery Building Features a Rounded Shape

Seoul-based architecture studio Archium was enlisted to maximize the floor space of the Gilmosery building, an office space housing a software development firm. The design features a rounded concrete facade punctuated by metal balconies which thrust outwardly. The irregular, bowed shape was decided upon in order to comply with the strict planning regulations.

The outward slope of the facade allows for more interior floor space, such as wide corridors and mezzanines that look out toward the streets of the affluent Seocho district.

The narrow openings within the facade have been saturated with planters and sheet metal benches. Meanwhile, the interior has been left raw and minimalistic, featuring cast concrete walls and concrete floors which stretch out towards the terraces.
Trend Themes
1. Curved Concrete Facades - The trend towards curved concrete facades is disrupting traditional building designs and creating innovative opportunities for designers and architects to maximize interior floor space.
2. Maximizing Floor Space - Maximizing floor space through unique building facades is a trend that presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for commercial real estate and property management industries to better optimize office spaces.
3. Raw and Minimalistic Interiors - The trend towards raw and minimalistic interiors is disrupting traditional office design and creating innovative opportunities for interior designers and architects to create unique workspaces that inspire creativity and productivity.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - The trend towards curved concrete facades and maximizing floor space presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for architects and designers to create unique and innovative building designs.
2. Commercial Real Estate - The trend towards maximizing floor space through unique building facades presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for commercial real estate and property management companies to better utilize office spaces and attract tenants.
3. Interior Design - The trend towards raw and minimalistic interiors presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for interior designers and architects to create unique and innovative workspaces that inspire creativity and enhance productivity.

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