Minimalist Garment Slings

The Hangover Wardrobe is a Simple Rack For Relocating Clothing Clutter

Extreme organization may not be your thing, but the Hangover Wardrobe can help you to at least clear up a bit of space on your carpet so that you can easily walk around your bedroom. The clever contraption is really quite minimalist, yet it affords such convenience, and the potential to influence your messy behaviors.

Gompf and Kehrer have created a pair of wireframe coatracks from tubular steel segments that have been welded together. They form rectangles with addition sets of horizontal rails: two in the taller version and one in the shorter. With generous gaps in between them, the Hangover Wardrobe rods can accept big bunches of clothing and outerwear, keeping it all piled up at an accessible height. Installed by simply leaning it against the wall, this product can be used as a towel rack in the bathroom as well.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Home Storage - Organizational solutions for the home that prioritize minimalism for easy access and convenience.
2. Wireframe Furniture - Creating furniture using tubular steel segments that maintain structural integrity while remaining lightweight.
3. Multi-functional Home Decor - Furniture or decor that serves more than one purpose to increase convenience and reduce clutter.
Industry Implications
1. Home Organization - Storage and organizational products and services for the home that prioritize simplicity and accessibility.
2. Furniture Design - Innovative furniture design using new or repurposed materials that prioritize form and function.
3. Home Decor - Decorative items that serve a functional purpose to reduce clutter and increase convenience.

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