Pierced Glass Light Installations

‘Hang it on the Wall’ Laments the Extinction of Clas

Artist Harry Thaler creates works that are a direct reflection of how he sees the world, and with his 'Hang it on the Wall' installation project, he is making a statement about the speed with which technology is advancing.

The light bulb was such a revolutionary invention, yet with fluorescent lights and LEDs taking over, Thaler fears the classic light bulb may not last much longer. A nail going through delicate glass is ludicrous, forcing people to take a moment to consider this sculpture rather than take it for granted, perhaps reconsider letting it go altogether.

By physically nailing the bulb to the wall in Hang it on the Wall, Thaler is physically trying to hold onto this vital piece of history.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Lighting Design - Exploring alternative lighting solutions that prioritize energy efficiency and longevity.
2. Artistic Reflections of Technological Advancement - Creating art installations that critique the rapid pace of technological development.
3. Provocative Sculptural Installations - Using unconventional materials and techniques to challenge viewers' assumptions and provoke thought.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting - Opportunity for companies to innovate and offer sustainable lighting options that combine functionality and artistic design.
2. Art - Artists can utilize their works to comment on societal issues, bridging the gap between technology and human experiences.
3. Design - Designers can experiment with unconventional materials and techniques to create thought-provoking installations that capture attention and redefine traditional concepts.

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