Phone-Like Handheld Speakers

Tej Chauhan's 'Deuce' Smart Speaker Phone Links to Amazon Alexa

'Deuce' is the name of one of the newest projects from industrial designer Tej Chauhan and it takes the form of a handheld speaker that combines SGW's new landline technology with Amazon's Alexa voice command system. The handheld smart speaker system looks like a phone and doubles as an audio-streaming speaker, leading the designer to call the hybrid product a "new archetype." While many smart speaker systems are not able to make calls, or do so in a way that feels natural and familiar, the shape of Deuce is designed to be comfortably cradled against the ear.

The ergonomically designed device is available in both black and white colorways and boasts a few buttons to execute certain functions. Deuce is set to be available for purchase in the fall of this year.
Trend Themes
1. Handheld Smart Speakers - The combination of landline technology and virtual assistants in a phone-like form factor presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the smart speaker market
2. Audio-streaming Landline Phones - The integration of virtual assistants into landline phones can disrupt the traditional telephone industry by offering new features such as voice commands and music streaming capabilities
3. Ergonomic Hybrid Products - The creation of hybrid products that combine the form factor and functionalities of different gadgets can result in new product categories and markets
Industry Implications
1. Smart Speaker Industry - The smart speaker industry can benefit from the introduction of a handheld device that provides a phone-like user experience and doubles as a high-quality speaker
2. Telephone Industry - The telephone industry can explore new avenues by incorporating smart features such as virtual assistants and audio streaming capabilities into landline phones
3. Consumer Electronics Industry - The consumer electronics industry can capitalize on the trend of hybrid products by creating new offerings that combine the functionalities of different gadgets, such as smart speakers and phones

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