Nostril-Squeezing Contraptions

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The Hana Tsun Nose Straightener Makes Your Honker More Slender

The Hana Tsun Nose Straightener is a tool that supposedly makes one's facial features more attractive by slowing altering the nose.

To the Japanese, petite facial features are king. This means that V-shaped faces, slender noses and wide eyes are desired qualities that some desperately hope to achieve. There are many contraptions to help them achieve this look without the scarring aid of plastic surgery such as this nose-support. This corrector has two prongs that go up the nostrils (which is what Hana Tsun means) while two additional and larger prongs squeeze the outsides of the nostril inwards. The dainty device comes complete with a pink band used to pull out the nose-modifier after a good night's corrective sleep.

You could potentially get rid of 'fat' and 'pig-like' noses for just $62.
Trend Themes
1. Facial Feature Enhancement - The Hana Tsun Nose Straightener is a prime example of a tool that promotes facial feature enhancement without the need for surgery.
2. Japanese Beauty Standards - The popularity of the Hana Tsun Nose Straightener reveals the importance of petite facial features in Japanese beauty standards.
3. Non-surgical Nose Correction - The Hana Tsun Nose Straightener offers a non-surgical alternative for individuals seeking to alter the shape of their nose.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Cosmetics - The Hana Tsun Nose Straightener is relevant to the beauty and cosmetics industry as it targets individuals seeking to enhance their facial features.
2. Medical Devices - The development of innovative devices like the Hana Tsun Nose Straightener falls within the medical devices industry, catering to those looking for non-invasive solutions for nose enhancement.
3. Health and Wellness - In the health and wellness sector, the Hana Tsun Nose Straightener presents a unique opportunity for individuals to correct their nasal features without the need for surgery.

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