Hair Extensions for Babies

BabyBangs Give Instant Hair to Bald Baby Girls

Any parent with a baby daughter whose hair is slow-growing or non-existent has undoubtedly encountered a stranger who says, "What’s his name?" or "What a cute little guy!" BabyBangs were designed with that common occurrence in mind. One of the company’s taglines is "I’m not a boy," and their innovative product helps little princesses to make that clear.

BabyBangs are actually not hair extensions in the true sense, but ready-to-wear accessories consisting of dainty hairbands with faux hair attached. The product fits over the baby’s head like a cap. The "hair" strands are made of a monofiber called Kanekalon, which the company claims is as soft as silk. 

Available in 5 headband styles and 6 color selections, the company says the product is lightweight and fits comfortably against the baby’s delicate skin.

Currently, there is a patent pending on the product and the company is gearing up to market it. So, when you see a baby with a thick, flowing head of hair, you may have to a ask yourself… is it real, or is it BabyBangs?
Trend Themes
1. Ready-to-wear Accessories - The trend of ready-to-wear accessories provides an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the fashion industry by offering convenient and customizable products.
2. Personalized Baby Products - The trend of personalized baby products presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the baby industry by providing unique solutions for parents looking to accessorize their babies.
3. Child-focused Fashion - The trend of child-focused fashion opens up opportunities for disruptive innovation in the clothing industry by catering to specific needs and preferences of young children.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can benefit from disruptive innovation by exploring new ways to create and market ready-to-wear accessories for different age groups.
2. Baby Products - The baby products industry can seize the opportunity for disruptive innovation by developing personalized and unique accessories for babies.
3. Clothing - The clothing industry can capitalize on the trend of child-focused fashion by designing and manufacturing clothing items that cater to the specific needs and preferences of young children.

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