Mr Right UK

Jake Gyllenhaal

He is the sexy cowboy from Brokeback Mountain, and now he is currently the ideal Mr. Right to UK women.

That's according to a study performed by dating website after the site gathered a list of top 20 qualifications for the candidates. Attributes included loving pets, having a college education, standing at least 178 cm tall, possessing a sense of humor, driving a Mercedes, etc. Having kids, watching sports and being a smoker were no-nos.

Implications - Apparently, Mr. Right is also the type of guy who is decked out in jeans and a t-shirt and weighs exactly 12st 7lb. He's either a lawyer or a doctor who earns more than £30,000, and owns a property worth £300,000.

He's had no more than six sexual partners, never has been married, and has no kids.

Sure seems like a lot of trouble to be Mr. Right. I'll settle with Mr. Right Now.
Trend Themes
1. Qualifications for Mr. Right UK - Opportunity for dating websites or apps to create algorithms that match users based on qualifications for an ideal partner such as education level, height, humor, and lifestyle choices.
2. Preference for Professionals - Potential for matchmaking services that specifically cater to professionals like lawyers and doctors with high earning potential and specific lifestyle expectations.
3. Value of Relationship Stability - Demand for relationship counseling or coaching services that focus on building stable and committed partnerships, encouraging qualities like no previous marriages and limited sexual partners.
Industry Implications
1. Dating Websites and Apps - Opportunity for dating platforms to leverage user preferences and qualifications for potential partners, improving match accuracy and user satisfaction.
2. Matchmaking Services - Disruption opportunity for matchmaking agencies that curate matches based on specific professions and lifestyle preferences, targeting high-income individuals.
3. Relationship Counseling - Potential growth in the relationship coaching industry to support individuals in building stable and long-lasting relationships, addressing concerns such as marriage history and sexual partner count.

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