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Wireless-Free Sanctuaries

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Green Bank, West Virginia Plays Host to EHS Disorder

Somehow 5% of Americans have convinced themselves that they suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and that Green Bank, West Virginia is their only redoubt from the encroaching wireless signals that they fear.

After a sentence like that, I feel as though I owe an explanation: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is a made-up disorder that involves irritation, pain and headaches caused by Wi-Fi signals in the area. Luckily, the promised land of Green Bank, West Virginia will protect them from those dangerous, deadly beams. The small town falls squarely in the U.S. Radio Quiet Zone, banning wireless signals for 13,000 miles so as to protect local radio stellarscopes from interference. As a result, Americans convinced that they suffer from EHS have flocked to the sleepy Virginian town.

First off, let the record state that humans are exposed to incomparably more EM radiation from the Earth than from wireless towers. And although this EHS business is bunk, it's been intriguing to watch it inform people's travelling and purchasing decisions.

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