Directional GPS Sunglasses

These Glasses Feature a GPS Function to Aid the Visually Impaired

Designed by Tomas Moyano and Nicolas Aichino, these sunglasses are outfitted with a GPS function that enables the visually impaired to be directed using auditory cues rather than visual.

Many people who are visually impaired will wear sunglasses to help alleviate the instance of dizziness caused by light. This was taken into consideration with the creation of these glasses that look to make it easier for those with visual impairments to get around town.

The glasses are capable of providing auditory prompts to let a user know of their present location; this can be of valuable use to help ensure they don't stray from their projected course. When the user of the glasses reaches a reference point that has been preloaded, the GPS function will vibrate and allow the user to press the button on the side to hear their location.
Trend Themes
1. Gps-enabled Wearables - The integration of GPS technology into wearables can create inclusive solutions for visually impaired individuals
2. Auditory User Interfaces - The use of auditory cues in technology can provide a non-visual means of interacting with devices, expanding accessibility to a wider audience
3. Assistive Technology - The development and implementation of technology for individuals with disabilities can lead to more inclusive and accessible communities
Industry Implications
1. Wearable Technology - The integration of GPS technology into wearable devices presents opportunities for developing assistive solutions for individuals with disabilities
2. Healthcare - The use of technology in healthcare can be expanded to create solutions for individuals with disabilities or chronic conditions
3. Accessibility - The development of technology aimed at improving accessibility can benefit a wide range of industries, from transportation to education and beyond

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