Location-Based Liquor

The GPS Breathalyzer Determines Exactly Where You've Been Drinking

The GPS Breathalyzer does exactly what the name implies. During routine stops, police officers armed with this cutting-edge device will be able to determine not only how much you've drunk, but where you consumed your beverages and potentially with whom.

Though you may be unaware, each breath you casually exhale belies details about your night, the activities that occupied it and the places you've stopped into. These facts are interpreted from the millions of particles you've inhaled and the contents of your major organs. The Virginia Tech researchers who promise that the GPS Breathalyzer is just beyond the horizon have explained how their technology is sensitive enough to measure gas by parts per billion. This is achieved using 'electronic noses' that are thinner than a pencil tip.
Trend Themes
1. GPS Breathalyzer - Innovation for law enforcement to monitor consumption and driving patterns
2. Electronic Noses - Emerging technology that can detect particles to the parts per billion level
3. Location-based Tracking - Growing trend of using GPS technology to track individuals' movements and activities
Industry Implications
1. Law Enforcement - Opportunity to use innovative technology to better monitor and prevent drunk driving
2. Medical Devices - Opportunity for electronic nose technology to be developed for medical diagnostics
3. Mobile Apps - Potential for location-based tracking to be used in various mobile applications such as travel and lifestyle

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