Raw Urbantography

Gordon Ball's Street Life Photography Captures a Risque, Gritty Lifestyle

Sometimes I wonder what I would capture or like to capture if I were a photographer; one thing I know is that it wouldn’t be like anything found in Gordon Ball’s portfolio. Although incredibly impressive, I don’t think I want to live that particular lifestyle in order to capture it.

Gordon Ball's racy work is very much about urban culture. A successful commercial photographer for companies such as Audi, Nike and MTV, he nonetheless keeps his personal photos very raw. For less work-safe photos, check out the links provided.
Trend Themes
1. Urban Photography - Opportunity for photographers to capture the raw, gritty aspects of urban culture.
2. Risque Lifestyle - Emerging market for capturing and documenting unconventional and provocative lifestyles.
3. Personalization in Photography - Demand for photographers to express their unique artistic visions through their personal work.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity for advertising and marketing agencies to incorporate raw urbantography to create edgy and attention-grabbing campaigns.
2. Art and Photography - Opportunity for art galleries and photography studios to showcase and sell provocative urban photography by artists like Gordon Ball.
3. Online Publishing and Media - Potential for online publishers and media platforms to curate and feature risque lifestyle photography to attract niche audiences and generate engagement.

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