Crowd-Predicting Transport Updates

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A Google Maps Update Predicts Amount of People on Trains

A new Google Maps update will be able to predict how crowded users' commutes will be. Google announced two updates for the application, the first is live traffic delays for public transport. The other update tells users how busy their public transport will be. This will provide users with predictive information regarding their commute, in which Google has been developing for the past year and a half.

Google developed the function for the past few months, by asking users to indicate how long their journey took. Users who were commuting during rush hour were asked how long the commute was as well as how many seats were available. Google took a massive amount of data and uses it in a predictive algorithm.
Trend Themes
1. Crowd-predicting Transport Updates - The implementation of crowd-predicting updates in public transportation would allow a better prediction of traffic flow, and provide a better experience for commuters.
2. Live Traffic Delays in Public Transport - By providing live traffic updates for public transportation, users will be able to plan their commute better and reduce the time spent waiting for a delayed bus or train.
3. Predictive Algorithms for Public Transportation - The implementation of predictive algorithms in public transportation would greatly enhance the user experience, reduce travel delays, and potentially decrease congestion in major cities.
Industry Implications
1. Public Transportation - Public transportation companies can leverage crowd-predicting updates and provide their users with a better experience, which will ultimately lead to an increase in ridership.
2. Transportation Technology - The development of predictive algorithms for public transportation could be a game-changer for transportation technology and completely transform the transportation industry.
3. Urban Planning - The use of predictive algorithms in public transportation could help urban planners make more informed decisions and potentially reduce congestion and improve transportation infrastructure in major cities.

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