Youth Goal-Setting Apps

The Goalzie App Encourages Young People to Achieve Their Goals

Goalzie is an innovative new mobile goal-setting app that is designed to challenge young people to make positive changes in their lives by setting goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve their goals. The goals could be something to do with a physical goal or some sort of creative endeavor.

Created by researchers at Western Sydney University in collaboration with young people, the app allows users to self-regulate their behavior, set up rewards for good behavior and punishments for slacking.

What's unique about this goal-setting app is the fact that it was built based on intended users' needs. Whilst youth are often consulted by researchers and campaign-runners, they are often left out of the process of creating. By enlisting the help of young people, this goal-setting app is guaranteed to appeal to its target users.
Trend Themes
1. Youth Goal-setting Apps - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop personalized goal-setting apps that cater specifically to the needs and preferences of young users.
2. Self-regulation Tools - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create mobile apps that empower users to self-regulate their behavior, set rewards and punishments, and track their progress towards achieving their goals.
3. User-centric Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate the input and feedback of target users, especially young people, into the development and design process of goal-setting apps to ensure maximum appeal and engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the creation of innovative goal-setting apps that prioritize user experience and cater to the specific needs of young people.
2. Youth Education and Empowerment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Leverage technology to develop tools and platforms that promote positive behavior change, goal achievement, and self-regulation among young individuals.
3. Research and Collaboration - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Foster partnerships between researchers, app developers, and young people to co-create engaging and effective goal-setting apps that address the unique challenges and aspirations of youth.

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