Colossal Creepy-Crawlers

Arizona State University is Breeding Giant Insects

A fear of insects is not unusual, but the prospect of giant insects on Earth and the possibility of encountering an earwig that rivals your own stature is enough to give even the most macho man the creeps.

Scientists at Arizona State University have been experimenting with oxygen exposure while breeding beetles, cockroaches, grasshoppers, dragonflies and meal worms, discovering that higher levels of O2 generate giant insects. If researchers keep going, will earth become a living horror movie?

Photo Credits: Museum of Arts and Science Macon | Softpedia | Ask Bjorn Hansen
Trend Themes
1. Breeding Giant Insects - Opportunity for creating larger and more robust insect-related products or services.
2. Higher Oxygen Exposure - Potential for discovering new applications and benefits of increased oxygen levels.
3. Living Horror Movie - Potential for entertainment industries to explore the concept of giant insects in movies, games, or theme park attractions.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can leverage the concept of giant insects to create thrilling experiences for audiences.
2. Agriculture - The breeding of giant insects may offer opportunities to develop new pest control methods or innovative farming techniques.
3. Biotechnology - Research into the effects of oxygen exposure on insect growth could lead to advancements in biotech, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices.

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