Geriatric YouTube Stars

OAP Internet Stars

Call me uncaring, but I think this is the most boring man in the world... but that's what makes it so brilliant! 81-year-old Peter Oakley decided to join the "youth and youngsters" of today by setting up a YouTube channel and posting to it. Millions of people have since seen his films.

The attention is in the detail; you have got to love his Zimmers T-shirt! Check out his YouTube favourites too, it's GENIUS. Here is one.

He has disabled the embedding of his films, but do pay a visit to his channel for an alternate perspective on life!

Trend Themes
1. Geriatric Youtube Stars - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating content specifically targeted to the older generation on YouTube can tap into a growing market of seniors seeking entertainment and connection online.
2. OAP Internet Stars - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing platforms and tools that make it easier for elderly individuals to share their stories, experiences, and talents online can empower a new wave of OAP Internet stars.
3. Youth and Youngsters of Today - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring the trend of older individuals embracing social media and content creation opens up avenues for businesses to cater to this demographic with tailored products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating platforms and channels that cater to the entertainment needs and preferences of older individuals, allowing them to participate and engage in online content creation.
2. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing intuitive technology solutions and user-friendly platforms that enable elderly individuals to easily navigate and utilize social media and content-sharing websites.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Rethinking marketing strategies to target the older generation on social media platforms, leveraging the rise of geriatric YouTube stars to reach and engage with this demographic.

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