Colorful Cancer Center Furniture

'Genius Loci' is a Series of Furniture for a UK Cancer Center

Gitta Gschwendter, a German designer, has created a series of furniture called 'Genius Loci' for the new dedicated cancer treatment center at Guy's Hospital in London. The colorful and playful pieces of furniture offset the potentially morose mood that might otherwise beset a cancer center, keeping spirits high with metonymously high designs.

Genius Loci's chromatic furniture uses partially enclosed mesh metal screens to engender a degree of privacy in the open spaces of the cancer center. The bright colors of the chairs and couches aren't randomly chosen. Rather, each color corresponds to the color-coding of the various areas of the building: red for the welcome area, orange for radiotherapy, yellow for outpatients, and green for chemotherapy.

One of Gschwendter's chair designs features an exaggeratedly high screen. Taking in this screen requires the seated person to look straight up, giving them a new perspective that they might not otherwise see.
Trend Themes
1. Color-coded Furniture - Designing furniture with bright colors that correspond to specific areas creates an efficient and visually appealing environment.
2. Privacy-sensitive Furniture - Using partially enclosed mesh metal screens in furniture design provides a degree of privacy for patients while maintaining an open feel.
3. Playful Design in Medical Spaces - Incorporating colorful and playful design elements in medical spaces can offset potentially negative moods and keep spirits high.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can utilize color-coded and privacy-sensitive furniture to create a more efficient and comfortable environment for patients.
2. Interior Design - Interior design professionals can explore the potential of playful and colorful design elements in medical spaces to positively impact patient experience and mood.
3. Furniture Manufacturing - Furniture manufacturers can focus on creating privacy-sensitive pieces that incorporate bright and playful design to cater to the specific needs of healthcare spaces.

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