Modern Bridges

Gateshead Millenium Tilting Bridge

One of the most striking designs for a drawbridge will also appear on the back of British Pound coins. The unique tilt pedestrian bridge is over the River Tyne and allows ships and large boats to pass under rather than parting in the middle. The design was chosen from over 150 entries and was done by Wilkinson & Eyre Architects and Gifford & Partners.

Implications - There exists a plethora of commonly used or everyday items that consumers have been utilizing their entire lives. While it is often difficult for companies and businesses to replace these long-established pieces, there are innovative ways they can alter or modify them. Companies will benefit by enhancing routinely used ideas or items because they will provide consumers with a new experience.
Trend Themes
1. Bridge Design Innovation - Designing bridges with unique features such as tilting or folding mechanisms, which will fundamentally alter the way people interact with their infrastructure.
2. Pedestrian Bridge Revolution - Creating moving pedestrian bridges that not only serve a fundamental purpose of connecting locations, but also offer unique and memorable experiences to those who walk on them.
3. Coin-inspired Structures - Building structures, such as bridges, that are chosen to feature on national currency, inspiring a new age of architectural innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Construction - Architects and building contractors can reimagine the way bridges are built and the fundamental purpose they serve.
2. Tourism and Hospitality - The introduction of unique bridge designs could have the potential to significantly attract tourists.
3. Currency and Numismatics - Creating a space for creative design to showcase in historically significant ways, inspiring architecture and art in unique ways.

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