Episodic Stain Stats

Tide's Infographic Examines All the Game of Thrones Stains From Season 4

In an extremely clever marketing move, laundry detergent company Tide created an infographic documenting Game of Thrones stains. The infographic analyzes season 4 of the hit HBO TV show in terms of the stains -- from imp-sized to mountainous.

A Season of Stains breaks down the entire fourth season in terms of messy stains, including blood, dirt, food, tears, oil, wine, ale and grass. With 752 documented Game of Thrones stains (including one royal and two giant), the stains are additionally categorized into stain makers and by episode. The infographic also advertises Tide's Stain Brain app, which offers tips on stain removal.

In addition to proving their Game of Thrones expertise, Tide also shows phenomenal marketing prowess with this stain-specific strategy.
Trend Themes
1. Stain-specific Infographics - Laundry detergent companies can create infographics that document stain trends to promote their cleaning products.
2. Stain-removal Apps - Laundry detergent companies can develop stain-removal apps that offer tips on removing specific stains, to help promote their cleaning products.
3. Messy-stain Analytics - Analytics companies can offer services to create stain reports that categorize stains by type and frequency in specific industries, to help businesses better understand and combat the issue of stains.
Industry Implications
1. Laundry Detergent - Laundry detergent companies can use these trends to revolutionize their marketing strategies and gain more customers by providing unique stain-removing solutions.
2. TV Show Merchandise - TV show merchandise companies can use these trends to offer more personalized products to fans of popular shows, such as Game of Thrones.
3. Hospitality and Catering - Businesses in the hospitality and catering industries can use stain analytics to improve their cleaning protocols and prevent stains from ruining their reputation and client experiences.

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