From Erotic Spam to Art

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From Erotic Spam To Art

Adam Harvey, San Francisco artist, has launched his Save As exhibition which features erotic spam which has been converted into digital art. The artist created a script which converts the spam into large scale, digitally altered photographic prints. "The result is Save As, an art exhibition featuring eight images that "probe the intersection of sex and commerce on the internet," according to the website.

"Adam spent about a year developing a script that pulls text strings from the subject lines of spam e-mails and maps them to the colors in a pornographic image. It then layers thousands upon thousands of the newly colorful text strings to create a stylized version of the original image." (Wired Magazine)
Trend Themes
1. Art-ification of Spam - The trend of converting spam into digital art, creating unique pieces with visually provocative and thought-provoking messages.
2. Innovations in Script Writing - The trend of developing new scripts capable of converting data into visual media and generating profitable art forms.
3. Disruptive Creative Projects - The trend of creating compelling art from unconventional sources or topics, resulting in new business opportunities for artists, curators, or gallery owners.
Industry Implications
1. Art Industry - Discovery and support of new art forms from unconventional sources, such as digital art from spam emails.
2. Software Development Industry - New opportunities to develop custom software solutions capable of transforming raw data into artistic media.
3. Marketing Industry - Using unconventional mediums and unnoticed messages as sources of inspiration to provoke new and innovative marketing campaigns.

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