Using Salt to Catch Crooks

The Latest Forensic Science Breakthrough

A new method of recovering fingerprints shows great potential in capturing criminals. Felons often wipe bullet casing to remove their sweaty prints, and until now it was a fairly successful way of not getting caught.

The new technique makes use of the salt left behind even after the sweat was removed. As a corrosive substance, salt microscopically etches the fingerprint into the metal shells. A fine powder is then dusted on the casing and the metal is charged electrically causing the dust to adhere to the corroded areas, exposing the hidden loops and whorls. This process only works if the perpetrator has enough salt in their system, not everyone does.
Trend Themes
1. Fingerprint Recovery - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced techniques for recovering fingerprints using alternative substances or methods.
2. Corrosive Substance Detection - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create technologies to detect and analyze corrosive substances, enabling better forensic investigation and crime prevention.
3. Salt-based Forensic Techniques - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the use of salt and its properties for developing novel forensic techniques for crime-solving.
Industry Implications
1. Forensic Science - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement advanced technologies and methodologies to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of forensic science investigations.
2. Crime Prevention - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative tools and systems to prevent and deter crimes, leveraging new advancements in forensic techniques.
3. Law Enforcement Equipment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design and manufacture cutting-edge equipment, such as fingerprint recovery and corrosive substance detection devices, to aid law enforcement agencies.

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