Bite-Sized Dish Catalogs

Sandro Desii’s Food Catalog Models Simple Spoonfuls

Colonia-based food company Sandro Desii focuses on keeping its food catalog simply sweet. Instead of photographing whole dishes as many food catalogs would, Sandro Desii’s pasta guide captures only small portions. Pages are filled with intricately stacked spoonfuls, just enough to flaunt bite-sized proportions of various pasta dishes.

The beautiful layout was artistically directed by Barcelona-based ad photographer Diaz Wichmann. The layout’s style focuses on simplicity and minimalism, while encompassing detailed textures and colors of the food. The different colors and textures of the ingredients also contrast with the sleek silver spoon they are placed on.

This food catalog layout is a visual taste test. Each bite-sized image reminds us of samples—only here, you are given the full product description and recipe in text next to each sample.
Trend Themes
1. Bite-sized Food Photography - Opportunity for food companies to showcase their dishes in a visually appealing and concise way using bite-sized food photography.
2. Simplicity in Food Catalogs - Opportunity to reduce clutter and focus on minimalistic designs in food catalogs to draw a viewer's attention to specific dishes.
3. Visual Taste Tests - Opportunity to provide potential customers with a visual taste test of dishes through bite-sized images accompanied by product descriptions and recipes.
Industry Implications
1. Food - Food companies could use bite-sized food photography to create more visually appealing and memorable food catalogs that focus on the individual dishes.
2. Photography & Design - Photography and design companies could use Sandro Desii's minimalistic and colorful approach as inspiration for creating visually striking and creative layouts for food catalogs.
3. Marketing & Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies could take advantage of bite-sized food photography and visual taste tests in creating targeted and visually appealing advertisements for food companies.

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