Concentration Challenges

Focus Pocus is a Mind-Controlled Game That Alleviates ADHD in Children

Controllers and gamepads are old news according to the new video game Focus Pocus, which opts for an electroencephalography (EEG) in favor of analog controls.

The developer NeuroCog Solutions hopes to help growing children to cope with the symptoms of ADHD by focusing their attention to the riveting story of a wizard's apprentice in search of wisdom. But before galavanting off into the forest, players have to equip the EEG to their scalp, a device used to measure (and develop) impulse control, memory, attention and relaxation. Twelve objective-driven minigames will test each of those attributes; a strategy challenge centers around impulse control, a series of puzzles challenge the memory and the child's 'state control' is measured by a relaxation game. After 25 sessions of Focus Pocus, the game delivers a detailed report on brain development to the parents! For full disclosure, the game comes bundled with the EEG and costs $250.

Personally, I'd rely on Super Mario to teach my children to concentrate. The first Goomba they see will get them to focus!
Trend Themes
1. EEG Gaming - Develop EEG-based games to help improve cognitive abilities in children with ADHD.
2. Brain Training - Create games with mini-games that challenge different cognitive abilities to improve brain function in children with ADHD.
3. Personalized Brain Reports - Offer detailed reports of individual cognitive abilities and brain development as a product to parents or educators of children with ADHD.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Incorporate EEG technology into traditional video games or create new games focused on cognitive development.
2. Healthcare - Offer EEG-based games or software as a complementary therapy for children with ADHD in medical facilities.
3. Education - Provide EEG games and software to educators as a tool to assist children with ADHD in the classroom.

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